Are You Breathing? Oh! You didn’t know?

Venkat Ramakrishnan
2 min readJun 2, 2020

I am not kidding! Many of us don’t breathe consciously. In fact, we don’t even know that we are breathing human beings, and we take breath so much for granted. We plunge ourselves into our daily routines and activities and priorities that we fail to take care of one of the most fundamental aspect of our lives — our breath!

Photo by Victor Garcia on Unsplash

Mid-life Strife!

Sometime back, I was talking to my college-mates on how they spend their time. We are all in our mid-lives, and the burden of taking care of the priorities — ours, our spouses, and our children, was hurting many of us. Of course, most of them had taken up Yoga, physical exercise, or anything that could make them happier and lively. There was something missing — may be too many goals, too many to-dos; we were not sure how to sort things out.

Reducing the clutter in goals and priorities and learning to say ‘NO’ to many things that are tempting but not serving towards your goals is of course something that needs to be done by everybody, but, there’s one important thing that I would like to share, that you keep you grounded, be in touch with yourself, calm you down, and let you face the reality.

Your Life Partner

Who is your life-long partner?

Your spouse? Your love? Your parent(s)? Your job?

If you seriously think about it, you will realize that the only thing that comes with you till your very end, your death — is your breath! That’s our ultimate partner!

The Importance of Breath

In many mystical and spiritual communities around the world, breath is an important component or the guide in living their lives, and to transcend to higher levels of existence. Breath takes us deeper into ourselves. Just spending a few minutes every day after getting up or before going to sleep in watching the breath could lead to wonders. Eventually, it might expose the secrets and mysteries about us to us, as it is the connection between our life and the body!

Practice Breath-Watching Daily!

So, what’s stopping you? You don’t need anything external (like a gym equipment, or some physical space to do the practice, etc). All you need is yourself, and some allocated time. It is so mundane, and yet so powerful, to practice Breath-Watching. Just watching the breath as it goes inward and outward. That’s all!

So, Watch your breath, and write to me how you feel. It takes a while (40 days or so) for any practice to settle down in the system, so give it time. Allocate 30 minutes everyday for breath-watching, and let me know of the results!

Love, and Love.



Venkat Ramakrishnan

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