What Fills Your Vessel?

Venkat Ramakrishnan
2 min readJul 5, 2020

I remember a discussion with one of my college-mates some 20 years back. We were window-shopping in a very big furniture shop in the United States, which had enormous amounts of furniture, in all sizes and styles, a visual treat indeed. My college-mate was a fan of furniture, and he was awestruck with the collections that the shop had. Shaking his head, he settled himself into a sofa nearby, feeling the texture with his palm, tapping the seat to feel it.

I was in a philosophical gutter those days, and tended to overthink and over-analyze everything (now I am a totally different person, thank you Universe!), and it occurred to me that I should ask him, so I asked him, “What is Life?”

He looked at me, all smiles, and said, “this beauty of a furniture here, is Life!” I was bemused, because I didn’t believe that material things led to fulfilment, at least that was not my experience. So I looked at him incredulously and said, “Seriously? What if this sofa gets worn out? Or what if a better model comes by?” He nodded very knowingly and said, “I will throw this out, and get that new one. We need to keep upgrading, my friend!”

I was aghast. “And you think this is Life?”, and he said “Yes!”

On that day, I realized how much consumerism has gotten into people’s bloods. And I also realized how much hollow we are inside such that something external has to come fulfil us.

Photo by Angelo Abear on Unsplash

We are all partially-filled vessels. We all need something or someone to come and fill the void, so that we can feel complete. It could be currency, furniture, a higher education, a loving partner, a job with a fancy title like “Chair of the Board” (whenever I hear that I get reminded of a chair and a chalkboard tied together!), more and more pictures saved in Pinterest!

Would the vessel ever be full? We will always be up for the next big thing even if we attained what we aspired for, a rat-race that’s not with others, but with our own selves. Just that every rat has a different need to be fulfilled!

So, what fills your vessel?



Venkat Ramakrishnan

Software Testing | Software Quality | Digital Transformation | Storyteller | Poet | Musician | Earth | Yoga | Education | https://venkatramakrishnan.com